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Friday, December 25, 2009

.: wrong impression :.

first impression?

erm...frankly speaking...i always have wrong impression on people..

i mean...my total impression towards some ppl will b opposite with d impression that i get from d first time i meet them..

kdg2 ade salah sasaran gitu...slalu ade negative impression on a person...but when i get to know that person, my impression totally change!

i've had a few experiences on this..

as for now..i would like to share three stories of three different ppl at three different situation..

upsi (2004)
tesl class..

ade sorg guy ni...cam berlagak owhkies-ini first impression saye..ye la...muke ensem (saye ngaku) n mmg aweks keliling pinggang..n bw kete g class...market...market...ooops jgn marah =)..mmg x suke ar..mmg x bertegur dlm class..rasenye dlm tesl class tu, die sorg je yg aku x tego n x de rase nk tego...die pown x de pon rase cam nk kwn dgn aku...i'm fine with it..punye nyer kitorg x bertegor...die nak pass paper essay pon harus kene pass kat org tgh...apekah?mmg agak bengang ketika itu la kan...

ditakdirkan ade one nite tu (ade xtra class), kitorg dpt satu group...nak x nak..kene la bercakap kan...n since that day...agak bole berkomunikasi dgn die..n after dat nite, we always site next to each other in lecture..n we were quite close i would say..n dis fella doesn't have lil sis...so...die pown panggil la aku lil sis die..n die slalu la bg nasihat2 kat aku...n until dis very moment..he is d only teslian i am keeping in touch...coz die rajin call n sms ty khabar...

bile igt balik...mmg gelak ar...dulu bukan main kutuk dlm ati...last2 jd close plak...tp tu la...ur first impression might be wrong...

oh ye...he's single...ade sape berkenan dgn abg saye ni?sile angkat tgn plizz.... ^_^

ipoh, (20070

praktikal smk tasek damai

kitorg dok ber5 satu umah sewa...n mama adelah org last yg aku jumpe...first impression towards her was...ey...minah ni...cam bagus jer...~haha...gile jahat kan?

eventually, we became close...ye la..dah dok satu umah...dah kenal...luar dlm...hati budi...kami jd sgt baik...n die lyn aku jdkan aku manja sgt2 owhkies...die la byk bg semangat kat aku...dgr problem aku...i miss u mama...die jg aku mase aku sakit peur...bw aku g hospital..teman aku jumpe doktor...urut perut aku..tuam kan perut mase aku sesungut....than u mama for ur kindness...hanya Allah yg mampu membalasnya... yup... dun ever judge a book by its cover...sebab mule2 jumpe mama, aku bayangkan mama jenis yg x kesah...cam x bother sgt la...kan...tp tu la...huhuhu

sg besar (2009)
jage spm

first meeting....i met dis girl...owhkies...jenis x senyum dgn org...n shake pon cam ado jer....n aku adelah sgt x suke kalo shake hand x genggam erat2 owhkies...tolong yer...jd nyer dh ade impression yg girl ni adelah tidak mesra ker?

first few days pown mmg x baek sgt la dgn dis girl...but after knowing her quite well...adus~~skali lg salah judge org...apelahkan...n kami sgt2 baik sampai skrang...we can talk...sahre stories n experiences...

she is actually a nice girl...erm...nape yer sy slalu salah judge org?erm...

sy amek sume tu sebagai pengajaran...impression tu sebagai cabaran utk lebih mengenali n menyukai insan2 lain...n jgn lah judgemental sgt kan....

so...ppl...wut u can learn from my entry dis time is...get to know d person...then only u decide or judge the person...after all, who are we to judge ppl...~erk...ni utk saye yer...hehe..dan juge...

don't ever judge a book by its cover


Mohar Yahya said...

Memang selalu macam tu, berlaku jugak kpd cpj.Orang yang kita anggap negatif pada persepsi awal sebenarnya amat positif bila kita dah mula mengenalinya.Agaknya tu sebab orang berkata "tak kenal, tak cinta"

cpj: "tak kenal benci, dah kenal cinta"

fidahchomell said...


pas ni kene blaja lebih mengenali individu2 lebih detail