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Sunday, December 13, 2009

.: it is not easy... :.

baru pas wat makan2...alhamdulillah...everything went well...ade byk makanan..

ade laksa+nasi kerabu (from north to the east)..serabai..apom telor..pult durian..n kek indulgence...yummy...


esok ade picnic dgn cbners...can't wait!can't wait!...excited coz lame x jpe...

rase cam...lam nyer x hang out dgn kengkwn...kdg2 rase cam...kejam jer...kalo diorg ajak..mest x dpt gi...insya Allah pas ni will try my very best to attend all of d reunion k...erm..ape kate pergi bercuti plka...like a getaway after work gitu...macam seronok~~lalalala~~~

erm..apekah topic...besela..bile dah sampai usia saye ini..yg semakin dewasa...soalan cepucemas~bilekah mau kawen...nape cepucemas...sebab cemas jer rase bile ditanyer...n cemas jer nak bg jwpn...boleh?owh yoyo...tiring to answer la my dear...kat skolah plak dah kecoh pasal aku tunang...apekah?tolongla~~adeh....itulah die...sy mengajar kat skolah luar bandar...kg la kan...but love d surrounding...tp tu la...bile dok situ...most of them kawen awal...n sy yg blom kawen...jd mangsa sasaran gitu..so...agak tekanan di situ...tp disebabkan sy ni gitu2...sy golak2 ajor...usik2 manje la katakan...weeee~~~~

mari kite lihat perbezaan...

upsi geng~~i have like 8 of us in da gang...n 5 is already married...4 with a child...one is preggy...n out of the three yg lom kawen plak...one is engaged...as for d other two~~lalala~~sapekah d other two..well...u definitely know one of them la kan...kihkih...so..kdg2 agak tensi berada dlm kumpulan ini...bukan tensi aper...sebabnyer...terase kehilangan la plak kan co z of not getting married yet...erm...n sume ni cikgu2..la kan...obviously..

cbn gang~my secondary school frens...we have like 15 of us kot...ramai...x sure la plak...okies...dlm geng ni...erm...5 dah kawen...two..erm...3 la termasuk zizah yg akan deliver anytime soon...dah ade anak...one is preggy...n d rest gitu la...single mingle...n i definitely comfortable being in this group as kami sumer same...hahaha...mayb sbab kitorg dok kl...where ppl do not bother much...they do bother but it just dat they don't bother that much...faham lakan hidup kat kl...it's about career...n achiving goal...n marriage is not relly their priority yet...if they are just started working la kan...

n asking me...am i ready for a marriage?...erm...kdg2 rase cam...yes i'm ready...n kdg2 rase cam...iye ker aku ni dah sedia nak kawen?huahuahua....tp kan...rasenyer aku nak kawen sebab nak gila glamor gitu mase kenduri...boleh?nak pakai bj cantek2...nak amek gbr...nak lawo2 la senang cite...mau jd fokus utama la..haha...yer...sy mmg suke glamor2 ni...kalo x. x kan la kat skolah jd mc jer...hahaha...gilo glamer ke tu?

kawen is not easy...easy to say but not to be in dat relationship...
tp bak kate sorg akak ku~~
kite x kan tau bile kite sedia...tp bile kite dah masu ke alam kawen tu....kite sedia jer jer...

huhu...btol la tu...

tp i've read in saiful islam's blog dat...bile ckp pasal kawen...jgn fikir pasal ke pelamin jer...fikir sehingga ke lampin jugak...tu jd fikir 2 kali plak nak kawen dah ke...hihi...yeah...it's about responsibility...as a wife...in law...n insya Allah a mother...n aku rase mereka2 yg diberikan rezeki bergelar seorg ibu...patut rase bersyukur sgt2...rase bertuah...n hargailah moment menjadi ibu itu...tak semua wanita dpt menjadi ibu...mungkin bergelar isteri ttp x bergelar ibu...itu semua rezeki yg sudah ditetapkan...n aku teringin sgt nak jadi ummi suatu hari nti jika diizinkan Allah... =)

apekah itu gatal?kihkih...tidak lah...cume aku rase bertuah sgt sape2 yg bergelar ibu..mama...ummi..mak..mummy...ya Allah..perasaan adenya nyawa insan lain dlm diri kita...leh imagine x?akak sebelah aku kat skolah tgh pregnant...erm...insya Allah due awal january...tgk la perut die berkembang...dr kecil...dah besar perutnye...subhanallah...kuasa Allah...itulah anugerha x ternilai buat seorg wanita...suke pegang perut akak...hehe...pastinye baby itu sudah biase dgr suare aunty fidah nyer yg comel...kahkah...n aunty edzna n aunty intan jugerk...hehehe

dulu bile fkr kawen...x npk lg goal nyer...as for now...i've to think a lot...it's not easy...it is a responsibility...but insya Allah...Allah knows what is the best for me =)


maznah said...

tcher..ni yg x sabar tunggu tcher kwen ni..
jmpot tau..

fidahchomell said...

hehe...yup...insya Allah nti jemput sume =)