alhamdulillah....selesai sudah tugsan mengawas spm...utk sy n beberapa org jer...coz spm ada last sampai 16 request la abes awal...kalo x...cuti sekolah...mcm x first mintak coz...nak g korea...last2 x jd coz seat dah canc el...balik penang jer la...can't wait!can't wait!hehehe
okies...erm...apa ada dgn 'saya bangga dgn teacher'...dh lame dah...erm...dlm bulan lepas la...ade sorg dak form 3 ni bgtau aku yg die bangga dgn yg tersebut di atas la...
kdg2 kite x sedar, perlakuan kite...ape yg kite cakap hari2...ade yg perhatikan...ade yg observe dlm diam...sejujurnya sy terkejut n of course la terharu dgn statement di atas...sape x touching ma....ade gak yg bangga dgn ape yg sy dpt drpd peristiwa ni~pas ni kene lbh berhati2 dlm segala percakapan..tingkah laku...n pemakaian...basically ape yg boleh dilihat dr mata kasar...sebab budak2 zaman sekarang ni...pantang ape cikgu wat...cepat je die learn more from the if the teachers do not set a good example, it is possible for students to follow their footsteps..being a warden, i like to mingle with the kids because as i mix with them, i can know what is they are up to...i mean...bile kite dok dgn diorg...kite leh tau ape yg diorg slalu wat...ape yg diorg bualkan...kdg2 kite boleh tau kalo die ade complaint dgn cikgu2 sebagai seorg cikgu jugak...aku x iya...x jugak tidak kan...ape2 pon aku perlu jg pride kwn2 cikgu yg lain drpd situ aku tau yg diorg selalu perhatikan cikgu2...mau nyer x...pantang aku pakai baju baru...'teacher, bj baru eh...x pernah npk pon...'~see how observant our students nowadays...aku sdiri x perasan kwn2 kat sekolah tu pakai bj baru...yg perasan...perasan banyaknye...x notice sgt...huhuhu
eh...x cite lg eh pasal ape yg dibanggakan sangat la student ku tu pasal aku...hehe...erm...
pas die bgtau tu...aku ty die...
'bangga dgn teacher?ape yg thirah bangga dgn teacher?'
'ye la...dulu teacher lain...skang teacher lain'
'lain?apenye yg lain?'
'ye la...lain la..skang sy tgk teacher g mane pakai stokin...pakai hand sock...lain la dr dulu...suke la..'
' ker...x sangka plak ade yg cube nak improvekan diri...i wasn't like this before...but i'm trying to improve to be better'
'mestila sy perasan...dak2 lain pon perasan jer...'
'alhamdulillah...byk yg sy blajar...esp kat sekolah bersyukur sgt2 posting kat smkasl...i learn a lot...'
pastu ader byk lg yg x igt...ape yg ingin aku stress kan di sini esp to teachers out there...whether we like it or not...we r their closest other than their parents...whether we like it or not...tjey like to learn from imitate like dada tanya iman =)
semoga adik menjadi guru yang disegani oleh semua anak didikmu...
guru ibarat lilin yang senantiasa membakar dirinya sendiri untuk menerangi hidup orang lain.
panggilan 'cikgu' akan kita bawa sehingga ke akhir hayat...
insya Allah...same goes to u akak...
tcer,sy pn bngge ngn tcer,,!!
ye ke?time kaseh..ape yg kamu bangga tu?
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