ari ni ari ahad....saya wat per?berfoya2 di rumah saje....hehehehe
bangun pown dah almost noon...huhu...cover tdo...mangun2...basuh bj n tudung..pas2 sapu umah...pas2 g dapur carik makan...disebabkan tahap kemalasan yang tinggi utk keluar umah..makn roti n maggi aje..hehe..
memikirkan akan duty n akan makan di asrama...adalah sangat malas untuk keluar la kan...
so dalam kul 2.30 pas mandi2 gerak la ke asrama dgn langkah yg sangat malas....huhu...
sampai2 je...masuk2 je urusetia ku ternampak ustaz kz...dengan muka terkejut...aku bertanya..
'ustaz duty ker?'
'a'ah...dgn kak zana...'
' igt ke sy yg duty'
adeh...sangat segan....rupe2nye tahun ni kalo time dak balik semua, mmg x da nama warden ni kene check la jadual bertugas ari sabtu n ahad...kesudahannya minggu depan kene duty...adeh...mau pulang tapi...........................................................
so...pulang la ke rumah...erm...nak wat pe ek?erm..................nak tau wat per?
mengadap la ape lagi..naseb baik ade internet....berinternet jer la hoping...updating blogs...searching infos preparing for p&p...huhu...i'm least i have one day where i can relax myself without having to go to hostel n tensioning myself...but as a reasult of that, i have to be on duty next saturday.....huhu...adalah sangat tak best......
pas2 wat aper lagi...x der ape...itu aje...seriously...dari ptg td...laptop mmg on sesaje...hehehe
oh yer...talking bout warden...
'x sukenyer jadi warden....................'
'aku dah mula bosan jadi warden........................'
'ko ni kire hebat la...bertahan jadi warden...................'
i'm going to elaborate more on the statements above............
1) 'x sukenyer jadi warden....................'
~sahabatku edzna telah mengeluarkan pernytaan...erm...lebih kepada lepasan n keluhan di suatu hari bertempat d dalam bilik guru....mungkin dia telah merasakan keletihan dan kesusahan dalam menjalankan tugasan sebagai seorang warden. u can ask any of the they like to be a warden?kalau ada...mmg mantop la...but definitley i'm not the person owh....warden adalah tugasan terakhir yang saya nak...walaupon ade elaun....tapi adalah sesuatu yang sanag2 tak nak oleh semua orang............
2) 'aku dah mula bosan jadi warden........................'
~ayat ini disampaikan oleh sis intan..dinyatakan oleh safarin ke safarin?huhu...yer la..itu la routine nyer...baru sebulan tuh...kalau baru sebulan sudah terasa ner mau menghadapi hari2 yang mendatang?kalu nak ikutkan kebosanan aku...adalah sangat bosan!!!!!!!!!!!!tak suka jugak jadi malas nak tunjuk kat org...n kadang2 tugasan sebagai seorang warden n bertugas jauh dari kl membuatkan kadang aku miss byk aktiviti dgn kwn2 kat kl...kenduri kawen la...reunin la..gathering la...argh!!!!!!tensen ni cuba untuk bertahan...sekurang2nya sehingga pertengahan tahun ini...harap2nya~~
3) 'ko ni kire hebat la...bertahan jadi warden...................'
~dinyatakan oleh kak zana kpd ku...erm...aku gelak jer...pastu terus revealed kat diorang perasaan sebenar aku..macam mana aku menangis pada hari pertama bergelar seorang warden..pada minggu2 pertama..pada bulan pertama menjadi warden....macam mana setiap kali balik duty mesti nangis n ngadu2 kat kak ros..macam mana risaunya aku untuk drive balik sorang2 mlm2...n betapa risaunya umi ku apabila aku perlu drive n bawa budak sakit ke hospital tengah2's not an easy job...i have to be strong physically n mentally...outside n inside...walaupon kadang2 rasa down sangat..aku cuba utk ikhlaskan diri...sebab kalau kita ikhlas, kita akan happy utk wat keje...tapi ikhlas ke aku?yer la...dengan merungut di dalam blog menyatakan ketidakpuashatianku...apekah tugas2 yang aku lakukan adalah ikhlas/entah la...semuanya aku serahkan pada Yang Maha Esa untuk menilai...tapi aku amek semua tu sebagai pengalaman yang tiada nilainya...ang mungkin aku x merasa di tempat lain...tapi i;ve decided...cukuplah setakat 3 tahun plg lama utk bergelar seorang warden...dan aku x rase bakal suamiku akan suke utk aku meninggalkan dia untuk bertugas d waktu malam n bertugas di hujung minggu........................................................
Sunday, January 31, 2010
.: sapa saya? :.
ye btol...gambar di atas adalah kalkulator...
hebat sungguh anda!
ok...ape kah?kenapa kalkulator?
because i'm a maths teacher obviously...
nak cite nie...ari khamis ari tuh ngajar tajuk squares on numbers kat anak2 2 ma'awa..
ala kalau zaman kita kita panggil kuasa dua...
diorg kan canggih..haruslah aku ngajar dalam bahasa inggeris...kihkih...
ajar la...
okies...this is a knowledge not just for my students but for u who reads my blog ni...
the correct way to press negative two squared is...
using a BRACKET!!!!!
kalo ko x tekan bracket tu jawapannye adalah?
ye btol...jawapannya adalah salah...
sebab kalo kamu2 x tekan bracket kalkulator hanya kan faham nilai dua itu sahaja yang perlu di'squared' kan...
so....kalo kamu mau memasukkan nilai negative....
menggunakan bracket....
kenapakah saya bercerita pasal ni plak?
ada student saya yang berada di tingkatan 5 jugak membuat kesalahan yang simple seperti ini..
erm...utk peringtana kpd saya jugak...
disebakan kesalahan yang simple ini...membuatkan mereka kehilangan markah dalam exam...
sekian sahaja dari saya yang bergelag cikgu maths n add maths =)
as a teacher
Saturday, January 30, 2010
.: tersadai macam kanak2........... :.
just came back from sbpi...erm...actually been home since 9.45 already...huhu...first plan was overnite at sbpi accompanying d students...but when kak tura checked with d organizer, the she found out that no teachers have requested to overnite don't have to overnite there..hehehe
then kak tura called me asking me to accompany her to sbpi as she's afraid of going back at nite later..i was to sbpi...registering them to the hostel there..d boys arrived first by van n safarin's funny seeing them 'tersadai macam kanak2 terbiar gitu'..hehehe...rugi plak x amek gbr mereka td...
erk....ala...u should have been proud that we care for u n doing all the registration for u to ease ur work...u just have to bring ur beg and settling down in the dorm while us do the rest of the things for u~~ ke kami x bg mereka berdikari?hehehe...adeh la~~~~
then kak tura called me asking me to accompany her to sbpi as she's afraid of going back at nite later..i was to sbpi...registering them to the hostel there..d boys arrived first by van n safarin's funny seeing them 'tersadai macam kanak2 terbiar gitu'..hehehe...rugi plak x amek gbr mereka td...
'teacher, budak2 lain cam berdikari jer..daftar sendiri'
erk....ala...u should have been proud that we care for u n doing all the registration for u to ease ur work...u just have to bring ur beg and settling down in the dorm while us do the rest of the things for u~~ ke kami x bg mereka berdikari?hehehe...adeh la~~~~
Friday, January 29, 2010
.: ulcer dh makin pulih! :.
penat n letih..............................
done with d road run...........................
walaopun umah ku kalah...huhu....tapi x pe...menang banner tercanek!i like...x sia2 effort diorg wat banner yg mmg cantek tuh!umah kuning mmg hebat!hehehehe
tp yg x bestnyer...ade cikgu yg x turun utk bagi support kat budak2 ni...i've been a a student, they like to share their joy n happiness with their teachers...mmg la byk keje..tapi x salahkan kalo turun mase penyampaian hadiah tu..same2 dgn cikgu2 support kat program sekolah...cikgu laki rileks je turun je sumer...yg cikgu prmpuan yg ramai dok lepak kat atas...wat keje la...apekah?saya pown ade keje...tapi same2 la..kan...program, same2 la...cube letak diri kat cikgu yg handle program tu..kecik x kecik ati....cube plak..cikgu2 lain x bg support kat program diorg? ne rase?x pe la...hak individu...sapelah aku utk merungut kan....biarlah....biarlah.....malas nak kecoh2 kan....
tapi ape2 pown....aku enjoy...walaopun rase sikit penat n kecewa n letih...makan dalam owh!tapi x pe la...janji aku wat keje aku...malas nak campur keje org...pas ni...aku concenrate wat keje aku jer..malas dah nak sibok2 hal org lain...
saya adalah sgt gembira hari ni...having fun today with d road plak at then end of it.,..satu kejadian n membuatkan saya kecewa n cam geram n sedih...n ternanges plak...erm.....over sensitive?btw, it's d time of d could b the reason kot....huhuhu....haru btol!
ulcer saya dah makin pulih...thanx to anakku~izzul yg telah mengoffer bonjela kpd diriku...ambil berat sungguh anak ku itu terhadap teacher nyer....hehe..terharu saya =)
citener..mase isnin tu masuk la kelas 5ds ngajar add maths...ngajar2 x larat nak ckp sgt..sebab sakit kan mulut tu...dak2 ty la nape...cakapla ulcer....izzul ni ty la teacher nak bonjela kat pe lah...sebab ada kat asrama kan...x yah la kan...esok paginyer mase sampai ke sekolah...dia ada kat kantin hulur bonjela kat aku...wah...teacher nye sungguh la terharu....concern sungguh anak2 saya dgn saya...thankie guys!
esok kene g sbpi...anak2 ku ada easy add maths....pas2 ahad plak duty as a warden....haruslah...PENAT!!!!!!!!!!!
done with d road run...........................
walaopun umah ku kalah...huhu....tapi x pe...menang banner tercanek!i like...x sia2 effort diorg wat banner yg mmg cantek tuh!umah kuning mmg hebat!hehehehe
tp yg x bestnyer...ade cikgu yg x turun utk bagi support kat budak2 ni...i've been a a student, they like to share their joy n happiness with their teachers...mmg la byk keje..tapi x salahkan kalo turun mase penyampaian hadiah tu..same2 dgn cikgu2 support kat program sekolah...cikgu laki rileks je turun je sumer...yg cikgu prmpuan yg ramai dok lepak kat atas...wat keje la...apekah?saya pown ade keje...tapi same2 la..kan...program, same2 la...cube letak diri kat cikgu yg handle program tu..kecik x kecik ati....cube plak..cikgu2 lain x bg support kat program diorg? ne rase?x pe la...hak individu...sapelah aku utk merungut kan....biarlah....biarlah.....malas nak kecoh2 kan....
tapi ape2 pown....aku enjoy...walaopun rase sikit penat n kecewa n letih...makan dalam owh!tapi x pe la...janji aku wat keje aku...malas nak campur keje org...pas ni...aku concenrate wat keje aku jer..malas dah nak sibok2 hal org lain...
saya adalah sgt gembira hari ni...having fun today with d road plak at then end of it.,..satu kejadian n membuatkan saya kecewa n cam geram n sedih...n ternanges plak...erm.....over sensitive?btw, it's d time of d could b the reason kot....huhuhu....haru btol!
ulcer saya dah makin pulih...thanx to anakku~izzul yg telah mengoffer bonjela kpd diriku...ambil berat sungguh anak ku itu terhadap teacher nyer....hehe..terharu saya =)
citener..mase isnin tu masuk la kelas 5ds ngajar add maths...ngajar2 x larat nak ckp sgt..sebab sakit kan mulut tu...dak2 ty la nape...cakapla ulcer....izzul ni ty la teacher nak bonjela kat pe lah...sebab ada kat asrama kan...x yah la kan...esok paginyer mase sampai ke sekolah...dia ada kat kantin hulur bonjela kat aku...wah...teacher nye sungguh la terharu....concern sungguh anak2 saya dgn saya...thankie guys!
esok kene g sbpi...anak2 ku ada easy add maths....pas2 ahad plak duty as a warden....haruslah...PENAT!!!!!!!!!!!
as a teacher
Thursday, January 28, 2010
.: nak ty pasal math :.
huhu.....semalam x dpt update...besela...tanggungjawab sebagai seorg warden kan....wah....
nak byknye keje............................................
nak kene wat borg permohonan..pas2 buku rekod kemasukan...carta
satu pon x start ar...meeting br semalam kan...pas2 ari duty jgn haraplah kan nak tgk wat keje kan...penat...kene jg anak2 yg seramai 500 org...nak mkn pown curik2 masa...huhu...
tp akan ku usahakan....yeah!!!!go teacher wan!chaiyok!!!!
sambong cite...
selasa malam rabu tu yana call..yana ni adalah cikgu praktikal kat sekolahku dulu...mmg close la masa die prak kat sekolahku...
semalam call nk ty pasal math...huhu...igt kan mende la..byk revise balik topik mase zaman kanak2 dulu....dgr cite die posting kat skolah yg 70% chinese...erm...mcm susah jer...i gain their respect..bile dgr cite yana...takut la pulak nak pindah sekolah n dapat students yg susah nak dikawal.....risaunyer!!!!!!!!
tak kan la selama2ny aku nak dok kat simpang 5?erm...nak gak dok dgn umi kat putrajaya!!!!!
tapi....mampukah aku menghadapi kerenah yang pelik2 n yg mmg aku x berapa nak jumpe la kan kat simpang 5 ni.................
bukan lah x de budak nakal langsung kat sekolah ku still under control...n walaupon kdg2 mmg wat aku mengamuk tp cepat je sejuk dgn dak2 ni...tanye safarin~sebab dak2 kelas die sgt hebat...hehehe...otai2 belaka...x gtu safarin?kihkihkih....
dah nak masuk sebulan dah aku ngajar utk tahun 2010 ade beberapa kelas yg aku masih belum dapat rentak n belum serasi...erm...maksudnye...aku x berapa selesa lagi n sentiasa perlukan mood utk masuk ke 'kelas'2 ade beberapa kelas yg aku mmg enjoy lah!budak2 happening...supportive...mmg enjoy!n aku mmg selesa...walaupon students2 dalam kelas tu perlukan lebih bimbingan utk subjek yg aku selesa dgn diorg...erm...kdg2 better ngajar kelas yg x berapa depan tp kite selesa n budak2 terima cra kita n respect kita...walaupon kdg2 adalah menuntut kesabaran yg tinggi utk memahamkan mereka...aku rela begitu drpd masuk kelas yg students2 nye adalah mahu tunjuk yg mereka hebat...hebat ker?hehehehehe
esok adalah road run di seklah ku...apekah tugasanku? usual...saya adalah mc bersama cik intan rohaida bt mat ludin...dah lah tgh ulcer
nak byknye keje............................................
tugas baru~kene jaga bilik komputer...helped by en hafiz yg comel...hehehe..n cikgu najib jugak...
nak kene wat borg permohonan..pas2 buku rekod kemasukan...carta
satu pon x start ar...meeting br semalam kan...pas2 ari duty jgn haraplah kan nak tgk wat keje kan...penat...kene jg anak2 yg seramai 500 org...nak mkn pown curik2 masa...huhu...
tp akan ku usahakan....yeah!!!!go teacher wan!chaiyok!!!!
sambong cite...
selasa malam rabu tu yana call..yana ni adalah cikgu praktikal kat sekolahku dulu...mmg close la masa die prak kat sekolahku...
semalam call nk ty pasal math...huhu...igt kan mende la..byk revise balik topik mase zaman kanak2 dulu....dgr cite die posting kat skolah yg 70% chinese...erm...mcm susah jer...i gain their respect..bile dgr cite yana...takut la pulak nak pindah sekolah n dapat students yg susah nak dikawal.....risaunyer!!!!!!!!
tak kan la selama2ny aku nak dok kat simpang 5?erm...nak gak dok dgn umi kat putrajaya!!!!!
tapi....mampukah aku menghadapi kerenah yang pelik2 n yg mmg aku x berapa nak jumpe la kan kat simpang 5 ni.................
bukan lah x de budak nakal langsung kat sekolah ku still under control...n walaupon kdg2 mmg wat aku mengamuk tp cepat je sejuk dgn dak2 ni...tanye safarin~sebab dak2 kelas die sgt hebat...hehehe...otai2 belaka...x gtu safarin?kihkihkih....
dah nak masuk sebulan dah aku ngajar utk tahun 2010 ade beberapa kelas yg aku masih belum dapat rentak n belum serasi...erm...maksudnye...aku x berapa selesa lagi n sentiasa perlukan mood utk masuk ke 'kelas'2 ade beberapa kelas yg aku mmg enjoy lah!budak2 happening...supportive...mmg enjoy!n aku mmg selesa...walaupon students2 dalam kelas tu perlukan lebih bimbingan utk subjek yg aku selesa dgn diorg...erm...kdg2 better ngajar kelas yg x berapa depan tp kite selesa n budak2 terima cra kita n respect kita...walaupon kdg2 adalah menuntut kesabaran yg tinggi utk memahamkan mereka...aku rela begitu drpd masuk kelas yg students2 nye adalah mahu tunjuk yg mereka hebat...hebat ker?hehehehehe
esok adalah road run di seklah ku...apekah tugasanku? usual...saya adalah mc bersama cik intan rohaida bt mat ludin...dah lah tgh ulcer
as a teacher,
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
.: saya adalah cikgu pjk! :.
finally...dari jam 10 aku menunggu utk menulis di blog ni....huhu....broadband oh broadband....
hehehe...erm..ape mau kongsi ari ni eh?
surprise..surprise...the missing files as claimed by her is actually safely placed under her table...nicely put as if the files had been there forever!!!haruslah marah...tolong lah~~perlu ke menyusahkan ume org dgn penipuan ko tuh....argh!!!!tolong la....
erm...semalam balik lewat petang...sebabnyer...ade meeting disiplin...hukhuk...iye..saye berada di bawah badan disiplin...hukhuk...pas2 bw anak2 5 ma'awa gi shopping brg kelas...then rush sending them back to hostel...meeting uncle yahya at sg besar as kak syifak wanted to buy long tshirt because it couldn't be found anywhere in penang...sambar la dekat helai rasenyer...saye pon amek satu...kaler oren lagi...hehe...comel...wah....sgt penat....balik umah mandi2...pas2 da maghrib...hehe..
ari ni..selasa pon balik lambat...sebab tahun ini saya adalah cikgu PJK...yup...u read it right...teacher wan adalah ajar koperasi sebab nak distribute brg2 utk dak2 form 1 yg 2nd intake...erm...ade benda yg nak dihighlight di sini...
mase kat koperasi...adalah berborak dgn kak min...mcm2 la..pasal baby kak zarina...pasal kawen...hehe...n hot topic..pasal pembahagian keje di kalangan guru...erm...malas teman nak ulas kalo diikutkan mmg ada cikgu yang x nampak apakah kerja penting beliau..tapi akan nampak beberapa cikgu yang sangan sibuk dgn kerja2 yang be precise..ade sedikit macam tidak adil..sebba ada cikgu dapat keje byk n bera...ada cikgu yang cam relax jer...saya?kamu rasa sy di kategori mana...pura2 sibuk mungkin~ayata intan...hehe...biala..yg penting aku wat keje far x ada masalah...i try to do my very best in all tasks that had been assigned to me..prinsip tahun ini...
tapi kadang2...........................................................................................
saya juga x terlepas dari utk mengeluh..memberontak dan meluahkan...kadang2 saya jugak penat....n perlukan masa utk diri sendiri..sebab tu walaupon amai yg minta sy wat tusyen...saya menolak..sebab saya trasa waktu malam saya adalah waktu utk saya berehat n melakukan apa yg saya suka...aa yer yg saya suka tuh?hehehehe...ooops!terlebih sudah!
buat masa ni...saya agak enjoy berada dalam kelompok koperasi..walaupon memegang amanah yg besar~pegang duit....saya enjoy dgn keje tu...with good team mates...i just love doing things i'm doing...doakan saya terus gembira dan terus memegang amanah yang diamanahkan..
selain tu, saya cuba utk menyukai keje sebagai seorg warden kembali..hehehe...sebenarnya okies jer....cume bile ade parents dtg complaint ker...pelajar2 x dgr cakap ker...tibe2 rase dapat diatasi sebab anak2 sy adalah comel...
weekend ni tak balik putrajaya sebab kene bawa budak2 form 5 pegi semina easy add math kat sbpi sg besar..................
hehehe...erm..ape mau kongsi ari ni eh?
surprise..surprise...the missing files as claimed by her is actually safely placed under her table...nicely put as if the files had been there forever!!!haruslah marah...tolong lah~~perlu ke menyusahkan ume org dgn penipuan ko tuh....argh!!!!tolong la....
erm...semalam balik lewat petang...sebabnyer...ade meeting disiplin...hukhuk...iye..saye berada di bawah badan disiplin...hukhuk...pas2 bw anak2 5 ma'awa gi shopping brg kelas...then rush sending them back to hostel...meeting uncle yahya at sg besar as kak syifak wanted to buy long tshirt because it couldn't be found anywhere in penang...sambar la dekat helai rasenyer...saye pon amek satu...kaler oren lagi...hehe...comel...wah....sgt penat....balik umah mandi2...pas2 da maghrib...hehe..
ari ni..selasa pon balik lambat...sebab tahun ini saya adalah cikgu PJK...yup...u read it right...teacher wan adalah ajar koperasi sebab nak distribute brg2 utk dak2 form 1 yg 2nd intake...erm...ade benda yg nak dihighlight di sini...
mase kat koperasi...adalah berborak dgn kak min...mcm2 la..pasal baby kak zarina...pasal kawen...hehe...n hot topic..pasal pembahagian keje di kalangan guru...erm...malas teman nak ulas kalo diikutkan mmg ada cikgu yang x nampak apakah kerja penting beliau..tapi akan nampak beberapa cikgu yang sangan sibuk dgn kerja2 yang be precise..ade sedikit macam tidak adil..sebba ada cikgu dapat keje byk n bera...ada cikgu yang cam relax jer...saya?kamu rasa sy di kategori mana...pura2 sibuk mungkin~ayata intan...hehe...biala..yg penting aku wat keje far x ada masalah...i try to do my very best in all tasks that had been assigned to me..prinsip tahun ini...
tapi kadang2...........................................................................................
saya juga x terlepas dari utk mengeluh..memberontak dan meluahkan...kadang2 saya jugak penat....n perlukan masa utk diri sendiri..sebab tu walaupon amai yg minta sy wat tusyen...saya menolak..sebab saya trasa waktu malam saya adalah waktu utk saya berehat n melakukan apa yg saya suka...aa yer yg saya suka tuh?hehehehe...ooops!terlebih sudah!
buat masa ni...saya agak enjoy berada dalam kelompok koperasi..walaupon memegang amanah yg besar~pegang duit....saya enjoy dgn keje tu...with good team mates...i just love doing things i'm doing...doakan saya terus gembira dan terus memegang amanah yang diamanahkan..
selain tu, saya cuba utk menyukai keje sebagai seorg warden kembali..hehehe...sebenarnya okies jer....cume bile ade parents dtg complaint ker...pelajar2 x dgr cakap ker...tibe2 rase dapat diatasi sebab anak2 sy adalah comel...
weekend ni tak balik putrajaya sebab kene bawa budak2 form 5 pegi semina easy add math kat sbpi sg besar..................
as a teacher,
Monday, January 25, 2010
.: kawen story :.
sronoknye balik umah...walaupon agak penat...sebab minggu lepas ari2 balik demi utk pulang ke rumah ku gagahkan jua...yer...mmg penat...kesudahannya...balik sg besar...pas maghrb..pasang cadar kat tilam..niat di ati nak tdo kejap jer...sebab mengantok sgt2...last2...sampai kul 11..dgn x iron tudung nye..dgn laparnye..dgn x solat isyak lagi nyer...huhuhu...haru puas sebab balik ari tuh...dapat attend wedding my of the closest back in kmns..a year full of memories...where i learnt true friendship and honesty...
pegi wedding tu dgn kak ngah...wat kat kelab bukit mahkota, kajang..
ari sabtu~22 january 2010
here are some od pics~~

pegi wedding tu dgn kak ngah...wat kat kelab bukit mahkota, kajang..
ari sabtu~22 january 2010
here are some od pics~~
me with d blom makan saya kacau...hehehe
pelamin mereka yang cantek...kan?simple but nice n sweet =)
first knowing zealda back in kmns..we were in d same tutor.. we went back together from kuala pilah to kajang n fact, she was the first to know bout my late father..i'm not the type who shares stories with friends..especially new friends..but after she knew bout it, i felt comfortable to share with her..she is very special...
to my dear zealda liyana..i'm happy for you..
selamat pengantin baru..
semoga kekal hingga ke akhir hayat...insya Allah
Friday, January 22, 2010
.: lujnah..... :.
kabare?waras ya...hehe...
saje ngetest power...
minggu yg sgt meletihkan......
balik hampir ke jam 5 sejak isnin....
dah boleh jd pengetua kan?hehehehe
td ade meeting warden...n saya juga perlu attend meeting Pusat Sumber Sekolah sebab saya adalah penyelaras Pusat Akses....meeting PSS kul 1.40 pm..meeting warden kul
saya perlulah berlaku adil..walaupon lebih nak pg meeting warden sebab nak bincang dasar2 yg kami warden2 dah plan..
saya masuk meeting PSS dalam 20 minit...pas2 tros bergerak ke asrama untuk meeting warden...hebat x saya?sebab keluar dari meeting sama2 dgn pengetua sebab nak g meeting warden...hehehehe
sebelum g meeting.......haruslah MAKAN dulu sebab saya tau meeting ini adalah lama!...dan mmg pon...habis meeting kul 6 pm....huhu~~
kami pon berbincang la dasar2 yang dirancang bersama exco2....sebelum oleh dilaksanakan, perlu dibawa ke mesyuarat...
ala.....mcm nak wat peraturan n undang2 negara la...harus dibincang dalam parlimen dulu lah lebih kurang....
first thing first...BIRO ditukar nama kepada LUJNAH....LUJNAH adalah BIRO dalam bahasa Arab...
nak nmpakn lebih islamic la gitu kan....hehehehe....
berikut adalah beberapa adegan yang sempat disnap oleh warden yang paling comel dan bergaya...........
saje ngetest power...
minggu yg sgt meletihkan......
balik hampir ke jam 5 sejak isnin....
dah boleh jd pengetua kan?hehehehe
td ade meeting warden...n saya juga perlu attend meeting Pusat Sumber Sekolah sebab saya adalah penyelaras Pusat Akses....meeting PSS kul 1.40 pm..meeting warden kul
saya perlulah berlaku adil..walaupon lebih nak pg meeting warden sebab nak bincang dasar2 yg kami warden2 dah plan..
saya masuk meeting PSS dalam 20 minit...pas2 tros bergerak ke asrama untuk meeting warden...hebat x saya?sebab keluar dari meeting sama2 dgn pengetua sebab nak g meeting warden...hehehehe
sebelum g meeting.......haruslah MAKAN dulu sebab saya tau meeting ini adalah lama!...dan mmg pon...habis meeting kul 6 pm....huhu~~
kami pon berbincang la dasar2 yang dirancang bersama exco2....sebelum oleh dilaksanakan, perlu dibawa ke mesyuarat...
ala.....mcm nak wat peraturan n undang2 negara la...harus dibincang dalam parlimen dulu lah lebih kurang....
first thing first...BIRO ditukar nama kepada LUJNAH....LUJNAH adalah BIRO dalam bahasa Arab...
nak nmpakn lebih islamic la gitu kan....hehehehe....
berikut adalah beberapa adegan yang sempat disnap oleh warden yang paling comel dan bergaya...........
2 orang warden bujang yg tgh fokus~~~~~
ade ustaz kz di sebalik handbag intan~~
intan n edzna....n kak zana n pengetua....n handbag kak zana
kenapakah cikgu mat bersedih itu?
suasana meeting warden pada 21 jan 2010
begitulah adanya meeting warden pada ari ini.....
n sume warden berjaya membentangkan dasar2 bagi biro yang dipegang...n
harap2 sume dapat dilaksanakn...
tp yg sadisnya...ade perjumpaan dgn dak asrama la plak jumaat mlm sabtu ni....
baru plan nak balik...terpaksa la balik ari sabtu pagi....
nak wat cam no...
saya yang menurut perintah...
akhir kata...
majulah sukan utk negara~motto kak zana untuk lujnah nye~
as a teacher,
Monday, January 18, 2010
.: nak rotan ke? hehehe :.
perlu ke menjadi seorang yang garang supaya dihormati dan ditakuti oleh pelajar?
erm...susah jugak nak jawab...
bila aku share dgn kawan2 aku...diorg slalu kata...
'ala...ko ngajar skola agama..senang la cakap...'
ye ke?
tak juga la...
aku sendiri perhatikan kat sekolah aku...kalo cikgu yang garang tu, seolah-olah diorg dah x heran..dah 'immune' dengan rotan dan bebelan..cube dgn cikgu yang sesekali membebel...for some reasons la...
aku sendiri bile sembang2 dengan budak2 sekolah ni, diorg sendiri mengaku...x boleh dengan cikgu yang garang tak's not a's a fear to respect from the students...katenye la..
pada aku..lagi kita garang..lagi kite suke membebel..selagi itulah susah nak dapat respect dari budak2 ni...budak2 zaman sekarang bukan mcm zaman kite dulu...
kite kene macam main layang-layang...sesekali tarik...sesekali with like them...but, when it's the time to be serious, to be strict...u just have to be..sesekali perlu untuk garang...bukan garang saje2..garang untuk menegur demi kebaikan..
itu yg aku apply dgn students aku..time gelak..mmg gelak2...gurau2 dgn diorg...but, when it's time to be serious, I just have to be serious..especially when i'm on duty as a warden. saye mmg garang...budak2 pon kate cam tu...bile teacher duty..round asrama time prep...takut nak tego teacher...hahaha...sory la guys..time tu saye perlu garang ma....n sy mmg siapkan keje saye...kali pertama x pe saya maafkan...saye dh nampak sape2 yg dh mule berani dlm kelas dgn tidak menyiapkan keje saye...ok...x's ut first, do not want to punish u yet at dat time bcoz u r preparing for diagnostic test...takut emosi more after this...erm...perlu didenda anak2 ku ini supaya x repeat lagi...erm...denda ape yer...hehehe...siap korang!
so...ape yang bole saye katekan di sini...x perlulah menjadi terlalu garang...sampai nak merotan..nak menampar selalu sgt..once in a while teach them...tapi bukan cara saya la utk menggunakan kekerasan...saye lebih suke menasihati..mengajar...kita main psychology dgn diorg...kite boleh menjadi lembut...tapi perlu tegas..supaya tiada yang pijak kepala..
on my first year, yes...honestly, i just did not know what is the right way to get to know the it to be part of them?be like them?mingle with them?be their friend?mmg blur sgt2...n i guess..i was the kindest teacher at that moment..but slowly, i learned..n still learning on how to b a good teacher..a respected teacher..not a feared one..i want to be a teacher that is easy to be approched but at the same time, gain their respect from a student to a teacher, a strict teacher but willing to lend help when needed...
and for that, i hope that i'll get cooperation from U beloved strength =)
as a teacher
Saturday, January 16, 2010
.: sambong..... :.
ok....sambong entry sebelum ni...
erm...ade meeting utk road run..handled by new s/u~syahmi..gwe masok lmbat sebab ade class b4 tu..rase sayang lewat meeting..
blablabla...saye adalah emcee mase ari road run tuh..n tibe2....
ade announcement by cikgu aziz saying that kak mazni will take over ustaz kz's place as uniform unit's da will take kak mazni place as head of krs unit..
kak da agak sedeh sebab die pon dh ade byk keje..n tambah satu lagi...erm...kalo ikutkan ade yg x byk keje compare to kak tu la..bile dah nampak org tu jer la..
aku?no comment la..sebab keje aku pon byk..buat list keje2 yg perlu dibereskan...pergh...byknyer...kene wat check list...takut ade keje yg tertinggal owh!
n hari khamis ni jugak wat aku tersenyum..
kak zu share cite dgn aku..ade student dalam class die cite pasal aku dlm karangan..indirectly because she didn't mntion my name...but from her description..obviously ME kate kak zu..sebabnye~she teaches me add maths for dis year (saye la tu)..n die kate die admire aku...suke care aku..n coz of that, die x suke nak susahkan aku kat hostel..pas2 die kate die x kate...die tulis dlm karangan..die rase cam aku ni x perasan sgt die..kalo nak dibandingkan dgn kwn2nya...last skali kate kak zu...die tulis..i really admire her...
pas2 kate kak zu..pas ni sile lah notice anakmu itu yer..hehe..baiklah kak zu!
intan plak kate...'kak wan kene belajar sivik ni...hehehe'
ouch~~harus not so sure whether u read this or not..thank u for writing that sincerely from ur heart..i'm proud to b ur teacher =)
hari khamis jugak sgt sibok..balik pas asar..update bank mahabbahku~~
d most awaiting day!ummi saye n kak ngah datang...huhu...gumbira~~
jalan2..makan2...n shopping~~
erm...ade meeting utk road run..handled by new s/u~syahmi..gwe masok lmbat sebab ade class b4 tu..rase sayang lewat meeting..
blablabla...saye adalah emcee mase ari road run tuh..n tibe2....
ade announcement by cikgu aziz saying that kak mazni will take over ustaz kz's place as uniform unit's da will take kak mazni place as head of krs unit..
kak da agak sedeh sebab die pon dh ade byk keje..n tambah satu lagi...erm...kalo ikutkan ade yg x byk keje compare to kak tu la..bile dah nampak org tu jer la..
aku?no comment la..sebab keje aku pon byk..buat list keje2 yg perlu dibereskan...pergh...byknyer...kene wat check list...takut ade keje yg tertinggal owh!
n hari khamis ni jugak wat aku tersenyum..
kak zu share cite dgn aku..ade student dalam class die cite pasal aku dlm karangan..indirectly because she didn't mntion my name...but from her description..obviously ME kate kak zu..sebabnye~she teaches me add maths for dis year (saye la tu)..n die kate die admire aku...suke care aku..n coz of that, die x suke nak susahkan aku kat hostel..pas2 die kate die x kate...die tulis dlm karangan..die rase cam aku ni x perasan sgt die..kalo nak dibandingkan dgn kwn2nya...last skali kate kak zu...die tulis..i really admire her...
pas2 kate kak zu..pas ni sile lah notice anakmu itu yer..hehe..baiklah kak zu!
intan plak kate...'kak wan kene belajar sivik ni...hehehe'
ouch~~harus not so sure whether u read this or not..thank u for writing that sincerely from ur heart..i'm proud to b ur teacher =)
hari khamis jugak sgt sibok..balik pas asar..update bank mahabbahku~~
d most awaiting day!ummi saye n kak ngah datang...huhu...gumbira~~
jalan2..makan2...n shopping~~
as a teacher,
.: saya akan skor A :.
erm....saye dah ade broadband...ala...amek yg basic aje~government package..utk mengisi masa lapang di sg besar..huhu..dan disebakan saya berada di sabak signal die ok lah...boleh la...dr x da langsung...kan?
okies...gonna share on things happened to me for dis week..
erm..ahad malam tu..lepak2 jer..layan AJL...i didn't watch d opening..missed it though..but everybody said that d opening was superb...ek?ntah..gonna watch it later la..thru x tau lg biler...
so...saye suke la lagu pergi sejak malam tu...sekian terima kasih..
okies...enuff of ajl...let's go to school...
as usual...assembly..then..going to 5naim for add maths time(lotsa work to do)..then...going to 5ds again for add maths session..then..attending english panel meeting..n i'm still d secretary..hehe..x per la..rather than being d head of's better to b just a's just that i have to be fast jotting down all d says of the meeting...huhu...jadi x cantek tulisanku...huhu..been a secretary for d 3rd year already...was fasting on the day..n had nasi n tomyam to break the fast..(beli jer)..n quickly rushing to school after maghrib for a kooperasi session plak..intan fetched me...sungguh baek ati adik ku itu..hehehe..nape g koperasi?nak distribute baju tshirt utk dak2 form 1...
khamis n jumaat sambong lain entry eh....sakit bahu ar......
okies...gonna share on things happened to me for dis week..
erm..ahad malam tu..lepak2 jer..layan AJL...i didn't watch d opening..missed it though..but everybody said that d opening was superb...ek?ntah..gonna watch it later la..thru x tau lg biler...
while watching di live show, personally i luv aizat's pergi...yes...been listening to d song repeatedly but never favour it owh...but kinda like it when aizat performed it on d AJL nite..n silently was hoping for d song to the emcees announced d best vocal..3rd n 2nd place...i was guessing who'll b the winner n there u shot! pergi won!yeay!
so...saye suke la lagu pergi sejak malam tu...sekian terima kasih..
okies...enuff of ajl...let's go to school...
as usual...assembly..then..going to 5naim for add maths time(lotsa work to do)..then...going to 5ds again for add maths session..then..attending english panel meeting..n i'm still d secretary..hehe..x per la..rather than being d head of's better to b just a's just that i have to be fast jotting down all d says of the meeting...huhu...jadi x cantek tulisanku...huhu..been a secretary for d 3rd year already...was fasting on the day..n had nasi n tomyam to break the fast..(beli jer)..n quickly rushing to school after maghrib for a kooperasi session plak..intan fetched me...sungguh baek ati adik ku itu..hehehe..nape g koperasi?nak distribute baju tshirt utk dak2 form 1...
erm...we had diagnostic teaching for d day..but have to invigilate classes for the test...n attending another meeting of sc n math panel...kinda like this meeting cos all d members are cool...sume gelak2 jer...gile2 punye kepala...yup...again..I AM D SECRETARY....hehehe...mungkinkah saye sememangnya ditakdirkan utk menjadi S/ many things had been discussed on how to improve students' performance in exam esp my killer subject~add maths...yup...A KILLER SUBJECT...huhu...mase skoah dulu pon x de la terror dah jd cikgu ni..kene jadi terror...x gitu?bukan terrorist ya...ooops!
owh yer...ade program baru yg perlu difikrkan nama...actually adalah latih tubi..bagi2 latihan tp nak npk canggih..harus ade nama la kan...sebab pahang n perak ade name sendiri...fikir punye fikir...kami amek keputusan utk namakan program tu sebagai SASA (saya akan skor A)...yeay!!!!!!!so aim for dis year!!!!
go SASA!!!!!
owh..adelah hari yg memenatkan sebab perlu duty sebagai ade gud news...hostel is back to d old routine...going back every two weeks...but dis time it's a BALIK more balik pilihan!
mase kat skolah....
'teacher, teacher dah tgk soklan add maths?'
'lom..nape?but i've got d ideas from cikgu safarin'
'banyak teacher...susah plak tu'...
'erk...ala korang ni...kitorg saje je nak uji cam ne korang nyer preparation pas cuti...ok lah tu'
-haruslah jawab seperti di atas...kene defend kawan ma.....
'mesti fail...'
'ala bese la tu'-ini adalah di dalam hati...hehehehe
as a teacher,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
.: perlu ke? :.
die nak jumpe...nak bincang psal KITA?...
perlu kE?...
aku dh biasakn diri utk tidak berjumpa dgn ke utk berjumpa?
ntah la...deep down inside my heart...yes...i want to meet him...
but when to think of it...can i face him?...can i look at him?....d way i looked at him before?my heart tells me...i'll never be the same again..
tgk la cam ne...mampu ke aku?
biar masa yg menentukan...buat masa sekarang...
aku selesa dgn ape yg aku ada...
this lyrics is really about how i feel rite now...
And it's a little late for conversations
There isn't anything for you to say
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver
So look at me and listen to me because
I don't want to stay another minute
I don't want you to say a single word
Hush hush, hush hush, there is no other way
I get the final say because
I don't want to do this any longer
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say
Hush hush, hush hush, I've already spoken
Our love is broken, baby, hush hush
I never needed your corrections
On everything from how I act to what I say
I never needed words, I never needed hurts
I never needed you to be there everyday
I'm sorry for the way I let go
From everything I wanted when you came along
But I am never beaten, broken not defeated
I know next to you is not where I belong
And it's a little late for explanations
There isn't anything that you can do
perlu kE?...
aku dh biasakn diri utk tidak berjumpa dgn ke utk berjumpa?
ntah la...deep down inside my heart...yes...i want to meet him...
but when to think of it...can i face him?...can i look at him?....d way i looked at him before?my heart tells me...i'll never be the same again..
tgk la cam ne...mampu ke aku?
biar masa yg menentukan...buat masa sekarang...
aku selesa dgn ape yg aku ada...
this lyrics is really about how i feel rite now...
I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
My love for you is strong enough you should have known
I never needed you for judgment
I never needed you to question what I spent
I never ask for help, I take care of myself
I don't why you think you got a hold on me
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
My love for you is strong enough you should have known
I never needed you for judgment
I never needed you to question what I spent
I never ask for help, I take care of myself
I don't why you think you got a hold on me
There isn't anything for you to say
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver
So look at me and listen to me because
I don't want to stay another minute
I don't want you to say a single word
Hush hush, hush hush, there is no other way
I get the final say because
I don't want to do this any longer
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say
Hush hush, hush hush, I've already spoken
Our love is broken, baby, hush hush
I never needed your corrections
On everything from how I act to what I say
I never needed words, I never needed hurts
I never needed you to be there everyday
I'm sorry for the way I let go
From everything I wanted when you came along
But I am never beaten, broken not defeated
I know next to you is not where I belong
And it's a little late for explanations
There isn't anything that you can do
Saturday, January 9, 2010
.: yeay!balik tiap2 minggu.....tapi.... :.
ok...saye mengambil kesempatan ini ingin meluahkan beberapa masalah yg berlaku di sekolah utk tempoh seminggu pertama persekolahan di sekolah tempat sy mengajar...
kalo ade org2 kpm yg bace...harap2 bajet utk asrama dinaik kan lah sket ek...for d sake of the children :-)
1~tandas bilik guru perempuan x de's not x da air...the tank is leaking...and sadly, we(d school) do not have money to repair it...n when we asked ppd...they said 'x da peruntukan lagi', satu je pipe...n bile tgh hari air dah x kuar...masalah di situ...jadinyer kene balik awal...sebab solat zuhur kat umah...x de no nak wuduk...n bile tibe ari rabu..solat zuhur berjemaah bersama perempuan terpaka berebut2 ke bilik kak jah yg cantek (bilik KH kak jah)....fuh...naseb ari rabu tu sempat...igt kot dah start solat...
2~masalah kedua ni sgt2 la menyesakkan a warden...n as a teacher...
~kpm punyer budget kene hanya disubsidizekan duit makan utk 200 hari saje...n kire punye kire...ari sekolah je dah 203 ari...(excluding weekend)...dalam kate lain..peruntukan utk makan pada hujung minggu ditarik balik...maknenye..dak2 ni kene balik tiap2 more weekend at hostel yer...ntahape2ntah kan?bukan macam boarding school la kalo balik tiap2 minggu...kami cikgu2 nak wat aktiviti ari sabtu pon x leh la...dak2 sume balik...tolong la~~~bajet utk pendidikan yg penting dipotong....apekah?ntah ler...teman dah letih nk menjawab dgn budak2 n mak2 n pak2 budak...kamu tipon je la org kpm ngadu...tgk pe yg diorg leh tolong...teman x dpt nak tolong dah...sabor aje lah~~~~~
~n masalah di atas...dihadapi oleh sekolah2 yg ade asrama..x pasti cam ne asrama lain solvekan masalah wat mase ni...sekolah saya MEWAJIBKAN budak2 balik tiap2 minggu...
~from my gumbira least i don't have to speng my weeknds at hostel(kejam owhkies)..tapi...saye kan gile kuasa utk mengadakan kelas utk form 5...masalah di situ utk mengadakan kelas di waktu hujung minggu!!!!!
kalo ade org2 kpm yg bace...harap2 bajet utk asrama dinaik kan lah sket ek...for d sake of the children :-)
as a teacher,
.: no manners! :.
geram?frankly speaking...yes i am...
have experienced a lot of IT...
tolong la...
ko dah npk kan aku tercongok tgu parking...n ko leh dgn selambe badaknyer masuk parking....tanpa membagi salam...haruslah dapat PIN..PON..PIN..PON...
saye n family adelah sgt susah nk tekan bile dah sampai kes cam ni...mmg x tahan la...
rasekan bunyi hon yg sedap dari keretaku~~~
tensen giler...pastu pandang mcm la aku yg bersalah...apekah?
so kwn2 sumer...silelah bertimbang rase yer...kalo dah npk ade org tgh tgu parking tu...jgn la direbutkan.....
have experienced a lot of IT...
tolong la...
ko dah npk kan aku tercongok tgu parking...n ko leh dgn selambe badaknyer masuk parking....tanpa membagi salam...haruslah dapat PIN..PON..PIN..PON...
saye n family adelah sgt susah nk tekan bile dah sampai kes cam ni...mmg x tahan la...
rasekan bunyi hon yg sedap dari keretaku~~~
tensen giler...pastu pandang mcm la aku yg bersalah...apekah?
so kwn2 sumer...silelah bertimbang rase yer...kalo dah npk ade org tgh tgu parking tu...jgn la direbutkan.....
Friday, January 8, 2010
.: teacher wan in the class! :.
i'm home!yeay to me!y am i yeaying?of course it's a yeay after spending two straight weeks at home...b4 the school so used to home...definitely missed my ummi n adek2 n home of course!'s school...BUSY!of course as it is only d first week..
owh...b4 that, sorry for not updating for this one week...rarely online there..rarely?erm...actually never had the chance to online there...hehehehe
i'm gonna start on d registration day
i went to school as early as 8.30m pm as i'm in charge with d hostel registration.
guess what..there were students who came much earlier than d wardens...hahaha...seems like they have to wait for their i was involved with three different duties that day
when i was at hostel, cikgu ahmad called as he had to handle all 4 classes of form 5...
cikgu matsom called asking bout koperasi?
yes...i was running here n there...trying to cope with all the duties...thank you!
but..alhamdulillah i managed to settle all of the duties...CIKGU CEMERLANG!harus...hehehe koperasi is dealing with money (yes...i am d menteri kewangan of koperasi), i've decided to be with koperasi..n asking my other warden colleagues' kindness to help me with hostel registration..tq kak rudzannah n kak zana n edzna dearie =)
n for ur information...n i'm sure is a problem to other boarding school too..gonna discuss it in other post because it's a long for sharing my first week in 2010 as a teacher..
n went to school again dat nite with sis intan..distributing koperasi stuff to form oneS
n after that..makan2...thankie cikgu matsom!sebab belanja saya n adek2 saya...intan n syahmi =)
then...going back...ironing baju kurung n sleeping...ZZZzzzzz
owh...b4 that, sorry for not updating for this one week...rarely online there..rarely?erm...actually never had the chance to online there...hehehehe
i'm gonna start on d registration day
jan 3rd 2010
i went to school as early as 8.30m pm as i'm in charge with d hostel registration.
guess what..there were students who came much earlier than d wardens...hahaha...seems like they have to wait for their i was involved with three different duties that day
warden..form 5 class teacher..koperasi..
ku rasa cam mau bahagi diriku kepada 3...when i was at hostel, cikgu ahmad called as he had to handle all 4 classes of form 5...
cikgu matsom called asking bout koperasi?
yes...i was running here n there...trying to cope with all the duties...thank you!
but..alhamdulillah i managed to settle all of the duties...CIKGU CEMERLANG!harus...hehehe
n after zuhur, preparing to meet form one's parents...n to be able to answer all the what,how,when,where,who....
n again am involved with warden thingy n should i get myself bz with? koperasi is dealing with money (yes...i am d menteri kewangan of koperasi), i've decided to be with koperasi..n asking my other warden colleagues' kindness to help me with hostel registration..tq kak rudzannah n kak zana n edzna dearie =)
n for ur information...n i'm sure is a problem to other boarding school too..gonna discuss it in other post because it's a long for sharing my first week in 2010 as a teacher..
n went to school again dat nite with sis intan..distributing koperasi stuff to form oneS
n after that..makan2...thankie cikgu matsom!sebab belanja saya n adek2 saya...intan n syahmi =)
then...going back...ironing baju kurung n sleeping...ZZZzzzzz
as a teacher,
Friday, January 1, 2010
.:saya belum bersedia utk berkongsi kasih sayang:.
hepi 2010 ppl...
alhamdulillah..syukur kepada YANG ESA kerana memberi ruang kpd sy dan kamu (ye...kamu yg sedang membaca ni) n sume2 org utk maseh bernafas di bumiNya ini...'s ur new year?
as for me...just came back from 'konon2 ade fireworks' jalan2...
attn fireworks in putrajaya for new year ek...
so..lets go back to 2009 b4 thinking of what awaits me in 2010
-my sister graduated for her degree..alhamdulillah..happy for u kak ngah..
-nan passed his final exams and is now waiting for his dip convo nx year..congrates lil bro!
-umi made her new pangkin in front of our house...sgt beautiful owhkies...
-lost her beloved student~arwah mariah n her beloved aunty~arwah maksu..
-faced a lot of challenges in her career n love life...
-cried a lot...huhuhu
nothing much happened...but in 2009 i learned a lot...aku bersyukur sangat2 Allah bg aku petunjuk n hidayah utk aku berubah...baik dr segi pemakaian..sikap...n dlm memperbaiki hubungan ku dgn DIA...
n aku harapkan tahun 2010 ni akan menjadikan aku seorg yg bertambah baik...
so...what awaits me in 2010?
-many duties as a teacher...
-many responsibility...
-to help d students getting good result..
-to b a teacher who is not just teaching but at the same time educating...
-to give mooore lovessss to ownself n family n loved ones....
-spend moooore on ownself...
-mahu sibukkan diri dgn keje..x mau fikir pasal cinta lg..
-mahu memperbaiki hubungan dgn DIA YANG SATU...
-kesimpulannya~saya belum bersedia utk berkongsi kasih sayang!!!!! those who are wondering with~saya belum bersedia utk berkongsi kasih sayang..
erm...may i say that...i'm not ready for a marriage........ok fine...yet...not yet...not anytime soon...
both physically n mentally aren't ready!
huhu..hehe....jgn marah ar...
why?owh...u r asking y...
erm...sebab sy belom bersedia utk berkongsi kasih sayang la...
sy maseh mahu simpan kasih sayang sy utk umi n adek2 sy ajer dulu...
sebab sy rase thn lepas terlalu byk melukakan diri sendiri n mayb my family too... new year resolution is...not to hurt me n my family...
rase cam thn lepas lebih byk utk org2...thn ni mau lebihkan family....
it's kinda sad to not living with umi n adek2..not going for a holiday with them...n most important is...not celebrating hari raya with them...owh....HARUS NANGES owhkies...
so..after doing a lot of thinking...~been a thinker these few not ready to settle down...tolong~~~
fine...i have to face d cepucemas qs...let them be...when they are tired enough..eventually they'll stop..x kan x tau penat kot!hehehe....
so...2010~tahun utk menyayangi diri sendiri..n spend to ownself!!!!!
love myself =)
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