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Monday, March 12, 2007


wanna talk bout my experience mase wat practical..dh half way dh pon..6 more weeks to go..just can't imagine that i am going thru..and it almost done..dulu slalu terfikir..cam ne ye nk ngajar ank org..nah..now..i've done it..
pengalaman jd cikgu practical kat sek men keb tasek damai..such a memorable one..cikgu2 kat situ sume supportive..dh bese face with pracrtical teacher..so most of them know wut to do..n give good co-operation..n the students to..ala..budak2 kan..nakal bese la..name pon budak2..nk mrh pon x jd..ade je lawaknyer..adus..hai la..pas skool olidayz ni..ade sports day..aku kene jd ajak perasmian+protokol..bla..bla..with all d experienced teacher..me sorg je practical teacher..adus..plus..kene work 2gether with cikgu s..adus la..dh la tgah prob..x bertego lg dgn cikgu tu..dunno la..how to work with him later..adusss...naseb ade kak ida..so..ade la geng..kalo ade ape2..at least ade la kwn kan..huhu..
last weekend gi camping kat sg siput..bermula la cerita..me n my friend went after skool la kan..kate skolah ptg..so kene la pg afta skool..bertolak dekat2 kul 8.30..i mean..jauh..mlm..n x bese kan..konvoi 4 kete..my car..cikgu s nye kete..cikgu khairul n cikgu jaya..n to make it worse..dh la mlm..lalau jln x de line..no network coverage..dh tu..kitorg ditinggalakn kat blakang..aku pe lg..ngamuk la..gile2 punyer ngamuk..x igt..d rest yg dlm kete tu was su surprised..mayb they never see me like dis b4..ye ar..baik2 aku pon..ade gak level kan..kalo dh smpi leevl tu..sory to say la..pastu the cikgu2 pon pth balik la amek kitorg..aku mmg x tego la dgn cikgu s tu..even npk gak la usaha die nk baik..nk borak..tp aku mmg avoid gile..i juz dunno how to make up with him..aku mmg x leh trime la smpi dis very moment..dh la tu...kene work together with him la plak for d sports day..huhu..wa..wa..wa..help me~~

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